Aminet 4
Aminet 4 - November 1994.iso
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CAGetting around in c9The Earth Lordsca is not as hard as you might think
for a game as vast as this. In most cases there are menus available with
all the commands apparent. However, even the greatest Role Playing Minds
need a helping hand some time. This document attempts to explain all of
the command options available in the game and from where they are available.
c9A ca- Armorer. cfThis is where you will buy the armor to protect your butt.
c9B ca- Stables. cfBuy yourself something to ride in the realm.
c9C ca- Clergy Missions. cfHere you will get missions to go on from your temple.
c9D ca- Dealer. cfThis is where you go to sell things you don't want anymore.
c9E ca- Enter The Realm. cfIn-Other-Words...GO OUTSIDE THE CITY!!!
c9H ca- Healer. cfYou might come here a lot to gain back your health.
c9I ca- Impossible Missions. cfHere you can get very tough missions to go on.
c9K ca- Kill. cfGo into the arena and fight for experience or money!
c9M ca- Magic Shop. cfIn cbTHE EARTH LORDS cfthis is like a mall!!!
c9W ca- Weapon Shop. cfTill you get loads of money these weapons will do...
ce-Character Options
c9L ca- List Your Opponents. cfThese are the guys who cbWEREcf your friends!!
c9N ca- Notebook. cfKeep notes from most places in the game!! A huge help!
c9Q ca- Quit. cfHad enough for the day and you wanna leave the game...
c9R ca- Rest. cfHeal back a little health and retain your spells...BEWARE!!!
c9S ca- Spell Book. cfLook into your spell book and choose your magic!
c9V ca- View Yourself. cfSee what you look like as well as your stats.
c9X ca- Start Over. cfNot doing so well and you think you could do better.
c9Z ca- Select A Different Picture. cfThere are about 50 to choose from.
ce- Player Options
c9J ca- JAM (Muffle) All Ports. cfBefore leaving the city you might wanna do this.
c9O ca- Online Message. cfSend an Olm to anyone on the bbs!
c9P ca- Pictures ON/OFF. cfTired of seeing all those neat pictures? Turn em off!
c9U ca- User Selected Delays. cfThe text speed during combat can be altered.
c9Y ca- Who Is Online. cfSee who else is on the BBS.
c91 ca- Read The Daily News. cfEvery day something happens. Better keep apprised.
c92 ca- Hints For The Poor Wimps. cfLittle hints for Wimps.
c93 ca- Hints For Rich Wimps. cfBig hints for people who wimp out.
c94 ca- Read The Documents. cfYou must know what this is or you wouldn't be here!
c9C ca- Cast a Spell. cfCast a spell...noncombat, of course.
c9D ca- Drop. cfYou have too many things and you wanna drop one.
c9F ca- Fly. cfIf your mount is capable then you may fly...
c9H ca- Help. cfShows you a little bit of help.
c9L ca- Land. cf(Not shown) If you are flying around and you wanna land.
c9N ca- Notebook. cf(Not shown) Good for writing down clues quickly.
c9O ca- Open Spellbook. cfYou can open your spellbook to gain different spells!
c9P ca- Picture ON/OFF. cf(Not Seen) Turns combat pictures on/off.
c9R ca- Rest. cfSame as Main Menu option. You will not leave game.
c9S ca- SAVE! cfYou may save your current position by hitting this key.
c9U ca- Use. cfUse an item in your backpack.
c9V ca- View. cfCheck out your current stats.
c9X ca- Xit. cfThis causes you to leave the game.
c9A ca- Attack. cfAttack opponent. If out of range and no missle weapon
then you will have to move up. Can attack more than once if available.
c9B ca- Back Up. cfIf you are a Spell Caster or have a ranged weapon
you can back up from your opponents. Make sure you have enough move
points to cast or attack.
c9C ca- Cast Spell. cfCast a Combat Spell (offense or defense)
c9F ca- Forward. cfMove forward 1 to 9 spaces at a time. 1 space=10 feet.
c9R ca- Run. cfYou have enough experience already eh? Well run if you can.
c9S ca- Speed. cfAdjusts the speed that you see combat messages.
c9T ca- Turn Undead. cfIf you have the ability then make those rascals run.
c9U ca- Use An Item. cfIf you have an item used in combat then use it now!
c9W ca- Wait. cfWait for those monsters to make a move.